
Recent Events
Reach Monthly Afternoon Disco

Dates For Your Diary
Roxy Cinema workshop dates
15.02.2018 all day
15.03.2018 all day
19.04.2018 all day
Don't forget the Reach Afternoon Disco
22.02.2018 afternoon
29.03.2018 afternoon
26.04.2018 afternoon
We would like to take this opportunity to give you an update of what has been happening recently at The Reach Centre and some plans we have for the future.
These are exciting times for our students and centre, as there are new developments that we want to share with you.
Over the upcoming months the Reach Centre students and staff will be holding a variety of events to raise funds for a new ‘Industrial Kitchen’. This will be installed in a separate building in the grounds of the reach centre
The aim of an industrial kitchen will be to support various skill developments and enable students to achieve their personal targets. We want this to be another enriching experience and support students to have opportunities that match what we would expect for ourselves. This will also allow the student to increase and develop the Reach tuck shop and sandwich round and gain valuable transferable work related skills. Students will also gain a greater understanding of other softer skills such as social and self-confidence.
Our goal is to raise £10.000 and thans to everyone who supported us and our christmas fair we raised £800.00 to kick start the fundraising.
We will keep you updated with avents and achievements
The students will be working towards expanding this service. We have a market research tasting project planned with a local head chef to offer feedback and advice to students on how to move forward with the expansion of the service.
Ray’s Memorial area: To explore in groups and as individuals things in nature that we do not always pay attention to. We also have a space to sit around a suncken fire and toast marshmallows if there is time at the end of the day...
Planting area:
To grow vegetables and other produce which can be a general learning experience of ‘where food comes from’ and how to incorporate into daily cookery sessions.
Grounds maintenance:
To ensure all outside spaces are clutter free and safe to use. We make sure weeds and pathways are cleared, cut the grass and paint whatever needs it.
Students ‘Reach’ garden area:
This is an area for relaxation and times people may want / need to be calm so will need to be kept tidy and safe.
The garden is currently being prepared by students
Our recipes are providing new challenges daily for the students who really enjoy using their skills to make cakes and salads and cooked lunches for themselves and the whole team. The idea is for students to feel empowered to be brave, experiment and continue learning.
There will be a new larger ‘industrial’ kitchen built on site that will offer students opportunities to increase their skills and have the minimum of a basic food hygiene certificate. This means we can increase our food service options and menu choices further afield and to a wider ‘audience’. We are planning that any willing and able student can take NVQ awards in this subject and other areas of learning that are relevant to potential work or volunteering placements. Please feel free to share any ideas with us that you may have...
Our students are improving their life skills all the time with their shopping and becoming quite savings savvy! We are incorporating online shopping with our supermarket and Bookers trips, to give students the most realistic and beneficial experiences for supported or independent living. There are many and varied skills required for this task and we endeavour to ensure they can be simplified (if required) and make changes to routines or the shops we use to ensure it stays an interesting job to do every week.
This part of the Reach student activities is very exciting right now.
Neil, our woodwork teacher recently held some demonstration workshops to teach students some new skills, so that they can choose which they like the most.
They then conduct market research into which similar items are the most popular sellers and allow them be able to create and market their own fun projects .
As part of our Opportunities focus for the next twelve months, we have begun to invite professional artists and therapists to the centre to maximise every students potential to improve their individual skill set.
This is an area where we feel that creativity can lead to inspiration for micro business ideas, and role play for real life scenarios.
Our first professional session will be on Wed. October 4th at 1pm. Paul Lawless will be leading a Drama therapy group for students to discover the message of ‘’positivity’’ and what that means to them within their community.
This session will then become the springboard for t-shirt design and move onto our print room workshops. The end creative outcome will be slogan and visual t-shirts to sell in the micro businesses.
This takes place monthly at the local ‘Roxy Cinema’ in Axbridge when we take charge of the whole cinema (thankfully it is a manageable size). The aim of this is for students to learn new skills, gain work experience (ticket master / steward / bar person), work and interact appropriately within a group and grow in confidence as their skill set increases.
we wil be back soon wih updates on all our sessions